
Dear kanYe,

3:08 AM

i love going on to your blog page ever so often... but i've noticed a few things.  sometimes you post things that are prettyyyy late.  example one, the M.I.A. for Marc Jacobs ad which was out for two months already.  i even had one of the ads as my MySpace default.  and recently you posted up Rhymefest's "Man in the Mirror" link and was talking about the MR vs. MJ skit (Mark Ronson vs. Michael Jackson).  i've been listening to that since December of 2007.

mr. West, i know that you're a busy man with your tours, flights to Paris, music, and such... but i look to you to get me ahead, not to make me fall behind.  so please--stay on point.  i mean, if anything feel free to add me to your team so we can be up on things collectively.  

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