
fM YouTube on French site

11:13 PM

i was checking the stats on my fM YouTube page (ok so i only have one clip that's only a minute long) to see if anyone else was checking out my Res footage.  not only did someone check it out, but they put it on their website--in France!  to some this may seem like a little thing, and that's fine.  but this is pretty big to me.  my little pink Kodak cam's footage made it's way to another continent.  ok, ok, i'll get off the amped train... well... let me stay on for two more stops ;)

i tried to read the music site to pick up on what it was about but the only part i could get was "last fm- the Social Music Revolution"; and i only picked up on that because it was the only thing written in english other than the artists' names.  but go ahead and check it out for yourself... music is a universal language.

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