three albums dropping this week on Tuesday April 29th are Madonna's "Hard Candy", MySpace favorite Santogold's self titled debut, and Estelle's "Shine." "Hard Candy" features duets with JT and kanYe and production work with Timbaland and n.3.r.d. for "Santogold" if you're not familiar with her work, then you need to surf online and get acquainted. her voice is so out of pocket but so damn good; if you like M.I.A. with a splash of Liz Phair, then you'll like her. and for Estelle, her album is filled with soul, hip-hop, and that special thing that only Londoners can bring. she also has callabos with k. Weezy, Cee-lo, and protege John Legend. so now if you'll excuse me i have to check out the Sunday Star-Ledger and see who is going to have the best deals for these cd's. yeah... i'm going to buy cd's. i know that my girls will definitely make it worth it.