
ms.rea on Mtv

10:03 PM

in february some of you knew that i went to the NY Couture fashion show for fashion week with my two friends Danielle and Antwon. when we were in line there were camera crews and photographers and inside there was a blocked off vip section with velvet ropes... just the normal things you'd expect from a fashion show taking place in club Rebel... or not lol. nevertheless, i was home due to a cold this past weekend and Mtv's True Life was on. i decided to give it a go since i love the series and will watch anything that deals with fashion. about ten minutes into the episode i recognized the designer of the NYC line and then it hit me--it was Mtv who was doing the filming and flick taking. i sat patiently waiting for any sign of myself or my friends and then about two minutes before the show was ending i saw the side of my face and Danielle looking over to her side (damn i knew i should've stayed against that pillar lol). a few days later the episode was on the Mtv site and now it's here for you all to watch.  start looking for us around -1:50 (you can just drag the thingie across so there's no waiting for it to load yay).  you'll see me in line briefly AND I SWEAR that's my giggle when they pan down the line, and then you'll see the three of us briefly waiting for the show to begin.  

if you'd like to see the pix i took from the show on MySpace then click here

ps... i always knew i'd be on Mtv one day ;)

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