
TV & Radio

7:57 PM

my blouse is from TopShop in London (bought and paid for there, not from online--so there)

so Thursday July 31st was a very, VERY long and hectic day. my day began at 5 a.m.: i spent the night at my Grandmother's house because my cousin Denise and I were going to attend the Wendy Williams Show. being that the show tapes live Mon-Thurs. at 10a.m. we needed to catch an early train etc etc. my friend Antwon from BK met us there and the three of us sat tight hoping we wouldn't be put in the "ugly" section. well honey (I'm mad my typing sounds the way Wendy would speak lol) we sure as hell were. I am going to take the blame and say it was my hair that put us there. humidity + my hair = disaster. i didn't know what to do with it and had to stop at the local Rite Aid to buy head bands. but enough about me--back to the show. it was episode #14 that featured Ray-J. i'll be the first to say that both Wendy and Ray-J look a whooole lot better in person. unfortunately i did not get much airtime unlike my friend Antwon who was on screen for about a whole minute because he was right behind Wendy during her "Ask Wendy" segment. even during the break i checked my SK and saw and IM from Jewels saying "I just saw Antwon." major WTF, LOL, J/K--hahaha.


after the show wrapped i headed home (oh no i stopped at Sanrio it Times Sq. and loaded up on some goodies) took a well needed nap, then woke up to head out to the Hot 97 DJ launch party. ok so let's rewind. the day before the Wendy Show, i headed out to Hot97 to pick up the tickets for the party at 8 a.m. i was so excited that i was going to have a full day and was excited to share the experience with my friends. so now let's fast forward to the night of the party. Jewels rolled to my house and my other friend Karen was going to meet us out there in NYC. J and I drove into the city and when we walked up to the venue there were not one, but TWO long lines. i'm not going to get into spcecifics, but let's just say when people in NY wait too long, they get mad. when they get mad--it's a wrap!! the whole situation was f*ck*d. the handling of the crowd was wrong, the bouncers were rude and Hot97 has lost my respect. they burned me once with the NaS show at Webster Hall back in 2006, and now they did it again.


nevertheless J and I (Karen :( left us) grabbed a bite then strolled over to club Spy and received some nice VIP treatment--literally. i was able to get a laugh out of seeing a little dog make it's way to the dance floor and smell the desperation in the air. but we made the best of it...

ps...thanx to Marc "with a C" @ Dave&Busters.... i treated you like sh*t and you luved me lol--tough love is my thing :) OH!! and that chicken was not free buddy!!

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