
Better Not Bust BlackBerry

8:28 PM

Like many of the BB8900 users out there, I had to get a "new" phone sent to me because the trackball stopped working.  Although it's hell transferring info over, I feel like I have a new phone in a weird refurbished way.

I visited the website CoolBlackBerryThemes and downloaded a cute Fafi theme.  Best of all, it was FREE!!!

I'm also taking advantage of the BlackBerry Desktop Manager, it's great way to transfer my calendar events, contacts and music from my iPod.  By the way, the icon for the Music Player is a vinyl record, eek!

And one last thing, I totally miss my sparkly Sidekick3 and how much attention it (ok I) used to get from it.  So I ventured out and bought some genuine Swarovski crystals and will be making my phone shine soon enough.  Look out for that post.

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